Red Riding Hood - Hidden Stories

Hier je vous ai montré le personnage du petit chaperon rouge, au tour maintenant du grand méchant loup ! J'ai eut beaucoup de plaisir à le faire. Si vous connaissez un peu mes dessins, vous savez que je ne dessine pas beaucoup de personnage animal. Donc dessiner le loup dans cette histoire fut un ''chalenge'' pour moi ! Finalement, je bien contente du résultat final ! 

Yesterday I posted drawing for Red Riding Hood, now here's some drawing of the bad wolf ! As you may know, I'm not really use to draw animals, so it was a good chalenge for me to do this character ! I pretty happy with the final look !

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Meet The Author

Geneviève is a cheerful illustrator and pin up artist from Montreal, Canada. After studying 2D animation she worked mostly in the comic and the game industry. She is presently working full time at Hibernum Creation (Montreal). She is still working on freelance contracts for comics studios and working on her pin up illustrations.