Etsy Grand Reopening Sale !!! 20% OFF !

Ouiiiii ! Mon magasin Etsy est maintenant ré-ouvert ! Pour fêter l'occasion, je vous offre un vente de 20% sur toute ma marchandise ! Mon calendrier 2012 y est maintenant disponible aussi ! La promotion prend fin le 2 octobre ! N'attendez paset n'oubliez pas de passer le mot :)
Yessss ! My Etsy shop is now reopen ! For the occasion, everything in my shop is 20% off ! Note that my brand new 2012 calendar is now in my shop too ! The coupon ends on october 2, so don't wait and don't be afraid to share :)

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Meet The Author

Geneviève is a cheerful illustrator and pin up artist from Montreal, Canada. After studying 2D animation she worked mostly in the comic and the game industry. She is presently working full time at Hibernum Creation (Montreal). She is still working on freelance contracts for comics studios and working on her pin up illustrations.