Michonne and her Zombies

Depuis quelques semaines, je dois faire beaucoup de transport pour aller travailler et, question de ne pas trop m'ennuyer, j'ai commencé à lire Walking Dead. J'aime beaucoup à date ! Voici donc un petit dessin de Michonne, avec ses zombies de compagnie !
The few last week I had to spend a lot of time in the subway to go to work. To not get too bored, I started reading Walking Dead. I like it a lot ! So here's a drawing I inked of Michonne and her two chained zombies !

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Meet The Author

Geneviève is a cheerful illustrator and pin up artist from Montreal, Canada. After studying 2D animation she worked mostly in the comic and the game industry. She is presently working full time at Hibernum Creation (Montreal). She is still working on freelance contracts for comics studios and working on her pin up illustrations.